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April winners 2024 – young writers

In our April competition, we asked for stories featuring a ticket.

Congratulations to the winners of our April competition.

Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.

Young writers (12–18) winner

Samuel Wang, age 13

A slip of nothing, an inconspicuous ticket permitting them to come.

They begin with the chainsaws, drowning out the thud of ancient inhabitants onto the muskeg, sap streaming from cracked bark, lithe branches twisted underneath. So fall swaths of saplings, ground into the mud.

Make way for the Super Mall.

Young writers (5–11) winner

Mia Richards, age 8

Sophie was a lonely little girl who won a cinema ticket. She finds the only empty seat and sits next to a girl with brown curly hair, called Flo. They become best friends. Years later, two elderly ladies are having coffee and laughing. I had the winning ticket, said Sophie.