Looking for more in 50 Word Fiction?
August winners 2024 – adults
In our August competition, we asked for stories featuring a medal.

Congratulations to the winners of our August competition.
Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.
Adult writers winner
Amy B. Moreno
Grandad was made of cotton shirts and pipe tobacco and stories. Half-truth tales ran up and down his arms. He was a heavyweight boxer; invented candyfloss; captained cruise liners; was a champion ballroom dancer; turned on the Eiffel Tower’s lights. The medals showed at least one of these was true.
Gaelic writers winner
Anne Catherine MacAulay
Thug am bodach bucas lìomhte fhiodh a-mach à bonn an dreasair, agus shuidh e leis aig a’ bhòrd. ‘Seo iad. Na buinn a choisinn m’ athar.’ Chunnaic a’ chlann Uncail Calum ag èaladh a-mach às an rùm dìreach mus do dh’fhosgail Seanair am bucas. Am bucas a bha falamh.
Translation by Gaelic Books Council
The old man took a polished wooden box out from the bottom of the dresser and sat at the table with it.
‘Here they are. The medals my father won.’
The children saw Uncle Calum slink out of the room just before Grandad opened the box.
The box that was empty.