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August winners 2024 – young writers
In our August competition, we asked for stories featuring a medal.

Congratulations to the winners of our August competition.
Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.
Young writers (12–18) winner
Shira Woolfson, 16
He had a medal which nobody knew about, so when the sun exploded into freezing fragments of iridescent star, they didn't ask for it -
And they sought, everyplace, one gleamingly golden treasure to replace their sun, while he mounted the sky's rungs and ensconced his cherished medal among candyfloss clouds.
Young writers (5–11) winner
Skye Leith, 11
There was a girl with a medal. She won it for having the best story in her class 5 years ago. She took it everywhere. She wore it to bed and to eat dinner! She never took it off. Everyone questioned her about it. She always refused. Nobody knew why.