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December–January winners 2023 – young writers
In our December to January competition, we asked for stories featuring a snowman.

Congratulations to the winners of our December–January competition. Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.
Young writers (12–18) winner
Callie Johnstone, age 13
Snow falls over the frozen lake. Below the surface a woman with gills presses her face to the surface. She views the fields of blobs that land dwellers make as worship to a snowy god. Floating to the bottom of the lake she mourns the snow that she can’t praise.
Young writers (5–11) winner
Arthur Davis, age 11
The F.D.N.O were a group called the Flying Dino Nuggets Organisation. Their goal was to stop Mark the snowman from turning the world into ice. They were close to him when a black hole swallowed them and Mark. But Mark turned the black hole into ice and trapped them all.
Young writers Gaelic
Charlie Beaton, age 14
Choimhead e a-mach an uinneig. Mhiannach e bhith coltach ris, air a chuartachadh le sàmhachas, ao-coltach ris an taigh aige bha làn fuaim. Choisich e a-mach agus thog e bodach-sneachd mu chuairt air fhèin. Mu dheireadh, sàmhchair. Thuit sneachd air a mhullach. Bha e nis glacte ann an sàmhchair.
Translation by Gaelic Books Council
He looked out the window. He longed to be like him, surrounded by quiet, unlike his house that was full of noise. He walked out and built a snowman around himself. At last, silence. Snow fell on top of him. He was now encased in silence.