Looking for more in 50 Word Fiction?
January winners 2025 – young writers
In December–January, we asked for stories about a party.

Congratulations to the winners of our December–January competition. Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.
Young writers (12–18) winner
Sharanya Wankhade, 13
“What’s happening?”
I swayed, unsteady.
Muffled screams, the only sound piercing the numbness taking over every inch of me.
My knees threatening to shatter under my weight.
I squinted at my drink which looked cloudier. Different.
Dread surged.
The glass in my hand slipped from my grasp.
And then, darkness.
Young writers (5–11) winner
Preksha Verma, 10
I could hear them knocking even over my earphones, but ignored.
I wish I could watch them getting drenched in the rain without giving away my plot.
My brother should have thought it through before locking me out from his garden party.
A lock can work in two directions.
Young writers Gaelic winner
Sophia Alim, 13
Choimhead mi suas agus chunnaic mi an solas, a’ deàrrsadh cho soilleir ris a’ ghrian. An ceòl a’ beucadh tro mo cheann. An robh seo spòrsail? Carson a bhios daoine a’ dèanamh seo? Chuala mi neach a’ tilgeadh, ugh, cho sgreataidh. Cha bhithinn a’ tighinn air ais, bha sin cinnteach.
Translation by Gaelic Books Council
I looked up and I saw the light, shining as brightly as the sun. The music bellowed through my head. Was this fun? Why do people do this? I heard someone vomiting, ugh, so horrible. I wouldn’t be returning, that was certain.