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July 2023 winners – young writers
In our July competition, we asked for stories featuring a sandcastle.

Congratulations to the winners of our July competition. Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt(this link will open in a new window).
Young writers (12–18) winner
Mithila Fiha Foiz, age 13
Elliot told the social worker that his house was a sandcastle. The social worker told him that he was a good storyteller. So Elliot continued to stay in the fragile sandcastle, built on tiny grains of sand, threatening to collapse any moment, and bruising him when it did.
Young writers (5–11) winner
Jonah Cochrane, age 8
The evil crab spotted Max’s fortified sandcastle then dug under its walls. The crab emerged with an army of drowsy zombie-like crabs and began to wage war on the mighty fort. Max returned from the ice-cream stand to find his work destroyed. The crab clicked his claws and scuttled away.