Looking for more in 50 Word Fiction?

June winners 2024 – adults

In our June competition, we asked for stories featuring a museum.

Congratulations to the winners of our June competition.

Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.

Adult writers winner

Hugh Brown

The first-daters gazed at the image of Christ on the cross hovering over a fishing boat.

“Dali” she read.

“I know” he lied “yet so different from his other work”

“Oh, like what?”

“Matilda….BFG….The Twits…..”

“Mmm hmm”

The last-daters walked out to Argyle Street.

Gaelic winner

Fergus Reoch

Anns an taigh-tasgaidh, chunnaic an neach-cuairt clàran criadhach bho Mhesopotamia: litir bho luchd-obrach ann an taigh-òil dhan neach-fastaidh aca. Bha iad ag iarraidh tuarastal chothromach. Às dèidh an taisbeanaidh, dh’òl i cofaidh daor ann an café far nach robh tuarastal chothromach aig an luchd-obrach fhathast.  

Translation by author

At the museum, the visitor saw a clay tablet from Mesopotamia: a letter from tavern workers to their employer, requesting a fair wage. After the exhibition, she drank expensive coffee at a cafe, where the workers still don’t have a fair wage.