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March winners 2024 – adults

In our March competition, we asked for stories featuring a hare.

Congratulations to the winners of our March competition. Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.

Adult writers winner

Lesley Buchan Donald

The mune wis fu the nicht I saw her, lang limbed an amber eened, starin in a dwam at the siller orb. Syne she was awa, fleein up the brae. I rin aifter her, but fund anely a maukin, cooried doon in the lang girse o the lea rig.

Gaelic writers winner

Rebecca Saunders

Air casan fada clis, tha lùth-chleasaiche bianach a’ dèanamh geàrr-leum tron fheur fhada, a’ griobadh an siud ’s an seo. Sùilean geur, sròn fhàileanta, tha i a’ biorachadh a cluasan fada, a’ cumail cluas ri claisneachd. Am plathadh de dh’earball geal, ag innse nach fhaic thu ach gu geàrr mi!

Translation by The Gaelic Books Council

On long fast legs, a furry athlete leaps through the long grass, nibbling here and there. With sharp eyes and a keen nose, she pricks her long ears, listening carefully. The flash of a white tail declares that you’ll only catch a glimpse of me!