Looking for more in 50 Word Fiction?
May winners 2024 – adults
In our May competition, we asked for stories featuring a diary.

Congratulations to the winners of our May competition.
Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.
Adult writers winner
Mary Scott
Sam struggled with letters. They wobbled just beyond his focus and remained mysterious.
Sam’s parents understood this and arranged extra lessons for him.
But unfortunately, Santa did not understand Sam.
So, Sam was heartbroken to receive a diary, instead of the toy farm dairy which his letter had asked for.
Gaelic writers winner
Shannon Howie
Thug i sùil air na duilleagan geala làn sgrìobhadh sgiobalta, ealanta.
Bha i teagmhach nuair a mhol an tidsear leabhar-latha airson nan sgilean sgrìobhaidh aige a leasachadh.
Stad i.
"Ciamar a dh'innseas mi dhi nach eil i math air spag bol idir? Tha màthair Dhaibhidh fada nas fheàrr."
Abair aghaidh!
Translation by The Gaelic Books Council
She looked at the white pages full of neat, confident handwriting.
She had been doubtful when the teacher suggested a diary to improve his writing skills.
She stopped.
“How do I tell her that she’s no good at making spag bol? Daibhidh’s mother is much better.”
What a cheek!