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May winners 2024 – young writers
In our May competition, we asked for stories featuring a diary.

Congratulations to the winners of our May competition.
Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.
Young writers (12–18) winner
Daniel Wedlock, age 14
The burning eyes of the flame stared through my soul as I held the diary up to the candle. I saw the forsaken notes, which were to be read by no man, kindle and shrink into ash. I knew they were coming for me but alas, I was at peace.
Young writers (5–11) winner
Fynn Whitehead Long, age 11
No one can resist an open diary,
and one of those people is Oliver Hills.
She devours every journal, diary and notepad.
She loves them, like an insight into peoples' minds.
And anyway, it’s not like she’ll tell anyone what’s inside.
She’s a good liar you see, no harm done.