Looking for more in 50 Word Fiction?
November 2023 winners – adult writers
In our November competition, we asked for stories about an adventure.

Congratulations to the winners of our November competition. Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.
Adult writers winner
Susan Corfield
Peg gets lost… in buzzing, spice-scented markets, aboard ocean-going cruise liners and dodging murderers on transcontinental railways… all from the comfort and safety of her beige leather recliner.
No mandatory vaccines, sticky suncream or airport lounges for Peg. She prefers adventures with her feet up, not on the ground.
Gaelic winner
Ann Bowes
Tha cuimhne agam
a’ chiad uair a choisich mi gu taigh mo sheanmhair nam aonar
bha mi seachd agus air bhioran!
bha rudan inntinneach anns an lobht –
Seàla Phàislig, cliabhan à Nis, loidhne iasgaich à Ulapul, dealbhan à Astràilia
shiubhail mi astar mòr an latha sin.
Translation by Gaelic Books Council
I remember
The first time I walked alone to my grandmother’s house
I was seven and excited!
There were interesting things in the loft –
A Paisley shawl, creels from Ness, a fishing line from Ullapool, pictures from Australia
I travelled a great distance that day.