Looking for more in 50 Word Fiction?

September winners 2024 – adults

In our September competition, we asked for stories featuring a whale.

Congratulations to the winners of our September competition.

Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.

Adult writers winner

Graeme Miller

Pig of the Sea

The Ranish men cast their nets for herring.

Too close to Grimshader. So there was anger.

Then the muc-mhara entered the loch. And there was harmony.

Men watched together. Wives and children ran down the crofts.

Old Seoras was more cautious. He remembered the last time.

Gaelic writers winner

Rebecca Saunders

Fo thuinn stuaghach na mara, tha binneas bòidheach a' snàmh air an t-sruth-chuain, ag ath-fhuaimneachadh fad mìltean mu thimcheall, na pongan-ciùil a' sireadh cluas theòmach. 'S e creutair mòralach a tha a' guthachadh ann an cànan toinnte nach urrainn dhuinn a thuigsinn, a' fàgail a-mhàin spùt de dh'uisge na rotal.

Translation by the Gaelic Books Council

Under the turbulent waves of the sea, a beautiful melody drifts on the current, echoing across the surrounding miles, the musical notes seeking an expert ear. It is a majestic creature that vocalises in a complicated language we cannot understand, leaving only a spurt of water in its wake.