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September winners 2024 – young writers

In our September competition, we asked for stories featuring a whale.

Congratulations to the winners of our September competition.

Feeling inspired? Have a go at this month's prompt.

Young writers (12–18) winner

Isla Martindale, 14

An orchestra echoing in the sea

Symphonies of seaside songs

Shanties, opera,

In the deep they belong,

Carried on the breeze,

Minems , semiquaver galore,

Alto, tenor , soprano,

Ringing out ever more.

Seagulls strain to listen

Sailors hum the way home,

song travels along the shore,

washing up in the foam.

Young writers (5–11) winner

Jamie Piper, 7

There was a big, blue whale who loved to sing, but no one ever sang back. One night, the moon heard the whale’s song and shined extra bright. “Follow me,” the moon said. The whale swam toward the light, happy at last, because now it had a friend.