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All reading is good reading: Comics and magazines

Genre: Animals, Graphic novels, Non-fiction, Science, Sports
Age group: 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-18
Audience: Families, Professionals

Last updated: 08 April 2024

Cover collage of children's comics and magazines

Magazines and comics aren't just for fun – they're also a great way to encourage reading(this link will open in a new window)! Most children love comics, or at least like them enough to flick through them. Even the most reluctant reader will chuckle at the slapstick in a comic strip and non-fiction titles are great for children who are less interested in narratives but love learning facts or have a specific hobby they can read about.

Reading magazines and comics develop skills such as comprehension, visual literacy and vocabulary(this link will open in a new window). Magazines and comics also have the added benefit of being more appealing or easier to read(this link will open in a new window) as images add another 'language(this link will open in a new window)' through which children can understand what they're reading.

So how do you choose?

Steer away from gimmicks like the free shiny plastic toy on the front. It's just another item waiting to be stood on when it's abandoned on the bedroom floor!

Instead consider their interests and hobbies. There's something for everyone, on topics from space to Lego, animals to journaling. Here are just a few to start your search!


Comics or magazines published in association with the BBC must meet stringent quality control standards so are a safe pick. Operation Ouch(this link will open in a new window) is the official magazine to accompany the BBC TV show which explores the fascinating world of medicine and human biology. Plenty great facts and gory details!

Match of the Day(this link will open in a new window) is exactly what you want from a football magazine. There are player biographies, tips on set pieces, training and skills. SheKicks(this link will open in a new window) also keeps readers up-to-date with football news, offering interviews and photos from women's football across the world.

National Geographic Kids(this link will open in a new window) is packed with interesting information.

Eco Kids(this link will open in a new window) is a magazine full of animal facts, great photos and tips on helping the environment. Each section is short and easy-to-read, making it ideal for grabbing and keeping reader's attention.

There is always The Beano(this link will open in a new window). It's been brought up to date, with the content reflecting today's values, while still being packed full of fun and laughter.

For older readers, Teen Breathe(this link will open in a new window) is filled with activities and ideas to reflect, explore mindfulness and journal.

Some top tips for picking:

All reading is good reading and magazines and comics are a brilliant gateway to making reading for pleasure a habit!