Amna Saleem
Amna Saleem is a Scottish Pakistani screenwriter with projects in various stages of development. Her first sitcom, Beta Female, is on BBC Radio 4. Amna has a background in journalism and broadcasting. Her work can be found in national publications such as the Guardian, BBC News, HuffPost and Glamour where she tackles topics such as race, mental health and culture. As a broadcaster she has been featured on the BBC, SKY and ITV amongst others. Amna also contributed a lively essay to the landmark anthology, It’s Not About The Burqa, featuring the voices of Muslim women which subsequently gained national attention for its blunt honesty and humour. Her first ever TEDx Talk is now available online and a YA novel is expected to be released next year. She can be found under @aglasgowgirl where she regularly and unapologetically overshares.