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How Bookbug for the Home made a difference during lockdown
We asked our network of practitioners how they used Bookbug during lockdown to support families.

The national lockdown earlier this year was tough for everyone, but it was a particularly challenging time for families who were shielding, welcoming a new family member or experiencing additional upheaval and stress.
Our Bookbug for the Home programme trains Early Year professionals and volunteers to use Bookbug with families who need a little extra support. Earlier this year, we asked our amazing Bookbug for the Home practitioners how they had used Bookbug during lockdown to support families. Their stories demonstrate the impact that songs, rhymes and book sharing can have during even the toughest times.
“During lockdown I used Bookbug with a family who were also going through cancer treatment. My weekly sessions brought some joy, laughter and smiles at this extremely difficult time, especially to their little one. Three Blind Mice was a firm favourite every week! The parents said that they couldn't have got through that time without my help and support, and I’m delighted to say that the family member has now been given the all-clear.”
NHS Nursery Nurse, Forth Valley
“We have been running Bookbug sessions twice a week over Zoom. We started off using the basic Bookbug format, then we incorporated signing using the Bookbug app. We have made a Bookbug band using pots, pans and spoons, Bookbug boogie sessions with lots of dancing, and story massage for quiet times.”
Family Resource Worker, Glasgow
“Online Bookbug sessions have really helped the children we work with who have been staying in refuges during lockdown. Sharing songs, rhymes and stories has helped them to have fun, see others in a safe way and start building trusting relationships with us on screen. Sharing Bookbug Sessions online really helped the children feel more comfortable when they first met us face to face too.”
Family Resource Worker, Glasgow
“I run Bookbug Sessions with adoptive families. Earlier this year I worked with families whose children had only been placed with them at the start of lockdown. Our Sessions together focused on bonding and building attachment; in one group we shared familiar songs which the parents and children already knew, and in another we learned new songs together. All sessions include our special nursery finger puppets to keep an element of consistency, which is key when working with children who may have experienced trauma. It definitely had a positive impact on bringing parents and children together as a family.”
Adoption Support Worker, Glasgow
Things have been very difficult for many young families during lock down as many have had no or little support from family due to shielding. One family I have introduced Bookbug to was a young mum from the travelling community. She was nervous about Bookbug due to her own reading ability, however, from our very first session, the interaction with mum and baby was remarkable. She copied what I was doing for the first few weeks and her confidence grew week by week.... Her use of the books is now daily, she has now started to read herself, she uses a mixture of audiobooks and reading books. The most amazing thing that happened was she introduced other mums to Bookbug... The next time I visited the mum, she was actually doing rhyme time through video call with other mums and babies.
Social Service Family Support Worker, Falkirk
We’d love to hear your stories of how using Bookbug to share songs, rhymes and stories has helped you and your community in 2020. Get in touch on Twitter or Facebook, or email [email protected].