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How to write a book
Want to write a book and aren’t sure how to get started? Here are a few of our top tips for getting the words down.

The good news is that there’s no one way to write a book. The bad news is that there’s no one way to write a book! That said, there are a few things you can do to make achieving your writing goals a little bit easier.
Accept that there’s no magic formula
There’s no magic formula to guarantee that a book will be a bestseller and there’s a very real freedom that comes with knowing that. If publishers knew what was needed to shoot a book to the top of the charts, every book would be up there. Instead, it’s a mysterious blend of good writing, strong ideas, luck, advertising and timing.
That means the best thing to do is to experiment and not feel confined to one particular route. That said, there’s a lot of benefit to familiarising yourself with various writing rules, even if it’s only so you know how to break them. This list of books about writing has some handy suggestions.
Read widely within (and outwith) your genre
To write a book, it’s best to read a lot of them first. Reading is the best way to find out what works and what doesn’t – and that’s true no matter what kind of book you want to write. Sink into a pile of memoirs and ask yourself which are the most compelling. Check out a ton of short stories and see which ones stay with you longest. Get stuck into a non-fiction stack and work out which best convey the facts.
Every book you read counts as research. This is also a handy thing to tell yourself when you’re swithering over a stack of books at your local bookshop or library! Not sure where to start? Check out our booklists.
Don’t chase trends
The world of traditional publishing is well known for moving quite slowly. It takes time to write a book, to edit it and choose a cover, to market and print it. And then there’s finding a slot in an already busy publishing schedule. From the moment you sign a contract, it could be anywhere from a year to three until your book hits the shelves, so there’s no point in chasing trends.
It’s true that self-publishing can be far more agile and while there’s more opportunity to get in on a trend at the ground level, writing what you want to write is by far the best advice.
Seek inspiration everywhere
We mentioned reading widely as an essential for writing, but it’s also an excellent idea to look further afield for inspiration. Films, TV shows, art galleries, plays, music – all forms of art can offer valuable insights and ideas.
When you’re feeling stuck or you’re not sure how to approach a project, tapping into a fresh source of inspiration is a surefire way to free your imagination. If you’ve got plenty of ideas but you’re struggling to sit and get them down, our guide to quashing procrastination may help!
Don’t give up
The biggest and most important piece of advice when it comes to writing a book is also the hardest to follow: don’t give up! Books can take a long time to write and even once you’re done with the first draft, most need several more redoes before they’re actually done. This can become a bit of a slog, especially if you’re toiling away on your own. But digging in and getting over the humps is the only way to finish a book.
One of the best ways to do that is to find some support. Join a writer’s group, make friends with other writers and share in the highs and lows of writing a book.