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Programme story: Aberdeenshire Libraries and Live Literature
Aberdeenshire Libraries used Live Literature to bring author and illustrator events to schools in deprived areas.

Susan McKay from Aberdeenshire Libraries shared how the library service used Live Literature sessions to organise school events throughout the area....
Aberdeenshire Libraries wanted to offer author visits to schools in areas of deprivation, particularly smaller schools who often miss out on these opportunities. We also wanted to target P3 pupils and planed the visits to take place around the time of the gifting of the Read Write Count bags. We hoped pupils would be encouraged to read more, as well as to create their own stories through words and illustration.
We wanted to build on the success of similar visits to schools and libraries last year by John Fardell. We used our Live Literature sessions to invite John back to work with eight different schools in two areas of deprivation. He really engaged with the pupils, and they were keen to contribute their ideas to an illustrated story. Some smaller schools asked if the whole school could attend the session, so in the end we reached children from across the P1-7 age groups. All visits were very well received by pupils and teachers alike. Each school was left with the illustrated story that they had created with John.
Alongside the visits, the library service ran a Draw-A-Story competition, which received over 50 entries! All the entries will be displayed in local libraries, and a winner will be chosen from each area to receive a prize of books and drawing materials. All the children who sent in a completion entry will receive a certificate, with artwork kindly done by John.
Do you want to organise similar events in your community? Apply for Live Literature(this link will open in a new window) sessions before Wednesday 22 January at noon.