All of the information on this page has been provided by the author. If you need an author to have specialist skills, experience or knowledge please ask for more information about this ahead of booking them for an event. Please note that Scottish Book Trust cannot carry out Disclosure checks on Live Literature authors for most events. It is the responsibility of the person organising the event to carry out the appropriate Disclosure checks.
Bea Ferguson is a very experienced storyteller who loves to tell stories to any age. She has worked extensively with nurseries, primary and secondary schools, adult groups and residents in care homes. She has recently been working in high schools with Pupil Equity Funding and is passionate about storytelling as a tool to raise attainment and self-esteem, and in the power to aid imaginative and creative writing.
Storytelling sessions are always fun and, with younger children, very interactive with participative stories, songs and rhymes. She is also a very experienced trainer with children and adults and was a senior tutor on the contemporary storytelling course for adults run in conjunction with Newbattle Abbey College.
Feedback from a recent CPD session rated Bea as amazing, fantastic and supportive.
Local authorities will visit
Dundee; East Dunbartonshire; East Lothian; East Renfrewshire; Edinburgh City; Falkirk; Fife; Glasgow City; Midlothian; North Ayrshire; North Lanarkshire; South Lanarkshire; West Lothian
Events will deliver
Performance; Talk; Workshop; Professional development, CLPL or CPD
Audience will work with
Adult learners; Care-experienced people; Carers; People living with dementia; Reluctant readers; Vulnerable young people (under 18); Young people in the community (e.g. Youth clubs, Guides, Scouts); Young people with additional support needs (under 18) (ASN/SEN)