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Claire Hewitt

All of the information on this page has been provided by the author. If you need an author to have specialist skills, experience or knowledge please ask for more information about this ahead of booking them for an event. Please note that Scottish Book Trust cannot carry out Disclosure checks on Live Literature authors for most events. It is the responsibility of the person organising the event to carry out the appropriate Disclosure checks.
Contact: [email protected]
Local authority: Perth and Kinross
Languages: English
Claire Hewitt's headshot

The heart of my work as a professional Storyteller has always been to give voice to the 'voiceless' - all that flies, swims, crawls, walks, all that flows and grows, and the rewilding of our communities hearts and minds through story.

I work with the wee folk, elders and all those in between gathering and spinning a yarn, storytelling and storymaking, creating new tales connected to place with children, and encouraging our elders to share their stories. I have worked with RSGS, Historic Scotland, Forestry Commission, Plantlife Scotland, Living Voices, SCO, and National Library of Scotland, delivering creative projects connecting people to the land of story and our rich heritage and folklore.

My overseas work has included story-projects in Sapmi, Finland, Norway, Japan, France, Estonia, India. I also have collaborated with a Finnish storyteller on bilingual storytelling performances over the last seven years.

I am a singer, play the clarsach, percussionist and as a practicing artist create visual imagery inspired by the stories I tell and can be found in my Honeybee Hut at the end of my garden. Come join me for a cuppee, and listening to the birds sweet songs, tales of the women who made the mountains sing.

Local authorities will visit

Argyll and Bute; Dundee; Edinburgh City; Fife; Glasgow City; Highland; Perth and Kinross; Stirling

Events will deliver

Mentoring; Performance; Professional development, CLPL or CPD; Residency; Talk; Workshop

Audience will work with

Adult learners; Care-experienced people; Carers; Outdoor learning; Adults with additional support needs; People experiencing mental health problems; People living with dementia; Prisoners & young offenders; Reluctant readers; Vulnerable young people (under 18); Vulnerable adults; Vulnerable older people; Young people in the community (e.g. Youth clubs, Guides, Scouts); Young people with additional support needs (under 18) (ASN/SEN)

Topics of work

Ageing; Childhood; Coasts, seas & oceans; Death, grief & bereavement; Environment & climate; Fairy tales, folklore & mythology; Family; Friendship; Health including mental health & wellbeing; History; Human rights; Loneliness & isolation; Nature; Rural communities

Age groups published for

Children; Teens; Adults

Age groups will work with

0-2; 3-5; 6-8; 9-11; 12-14; 15-18; 18+

Audience size

0-10; 11-30; 31-100