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Fergus McNicol
I am a professional storyteller and educator working in primary education with a passion for storytelling. I tell a wide range of stories from Scotland and around the world for all ages from toddlers to adults but focus mainly on the primary school stages.
I enjoy sharing stories in a lively interactive manner, involving the audience throughout, weaving in song, rhyme and even the occasional dance! In addition to storytelling performances I provide storytelling and writing workshops with a focus on developing writing through the medium of storytelling. I provide CPD training for educators with an interest in developing storytelling as a way to work with learners. I have worked extensively in schools throughout Scotland and have developed storytelling resources for Scottish Book Trust, Scottish Storytelling Centre, and a variety of schools.
In addition to my own storytelling I perform as Macastory with storyteller Ron Fairweather, providing themed interactive storytelling performances. Our performances cover a wide range of themes and can be developed to address particular themes and audiences. We have developed and performed storytelling sets for Edinburgh International Book Festival, National Museum of Scotland, National Library of Scotland, The Scottish Portrait Gallery, schools and libraries.
(Works in Scots)