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Gabrielle Barnby

All of the information on this page has been provided by the author. If you need an author to have specialist skills, experience or knowledge please ask for more information about this ahead of booking them for an event. Please note that Scottish Book Trust cannot carry out Disclosure checks on Live Literature authors for most events. It is the responsibility of the person organising the event to carry out the appropriate Disclosure checks.
Contact: [email protected]
Local authority: Orkney Islands
Languages: English, Scots
Gabrielle Barnby's headshot

In 2011 I moved with my family to Orkney. I write in a variety of forms including short stories and poetry and my writing has been reviewed and published in Northwords Now, local and national newspapers and online. I have hosted a number of creative performances and delivered talks on local writing as well as recorded interviews and readings for local radio and film.

A selection of my pieces have been included in Living Orkney magazine, the Orcadian newspaper, and local anthologies. I'm twice the winner of the George Mackay Brown Fellowship writing competition and have also been shortlisted for the Bridport Short Story Prize. I'm currently working on a new novel and a collection of short stories that combine elements of traditional folk tales with modern life, and preparing a creative response to mark the 100 year anniversary of the scuttling of the German High Seas Fleet in Scapa Flow.

I'm an active member of the Stromness Writing Group, participating in meetings, organising external events and delivering writing workshops. I also provide workshops for the children's writing group Wirdsmit (8-14 years old) and have previously run story clubs for primary school children.

(Photo credit: Francesca Barnby)

(Works in Scots)

Local authorities will visit

Highland; Orkney Islands; Shetland

Events will deliver

Reading; Talk; Workshop; Chairing events

Audience will work with

Adult learners; Young people in the community (e.g. Youth clubs, Guides, Scouts)

Topics of work

Biography & memoir; Contemporary fiction; Editing & editing your own work; Fairy tales, folklore & mythology; Family; Friendship; Health including mental health & wellbeing; Island communities; Loneliness & isolation; Nature; Rural communities

Age groups published for


Age groups will work with

6-8; 9-11; 12-14; 18+

Audience size
