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Marian Pallister
Of the 10 books I have written, three are biographical and seven engage with social history. My passion is to give a voice to the voiceless, and I aim to seek out the letters and documents of those marginalised because of class or gender.
I have experience of talking to history and literary groups, college and university students, women's organisations, and enjoy the challenge of small creative writing workshops as well as speaking at large conferences. I am happy to deliver lectures, but interaction is a great way to learn about Scotland's past and those who peopled it.
My last three books have an 'industrial' element (the construction of the Crinan Canal, the Cruachan hydro project, and the history of mining in Argyll) and therefore also engage politically. I have a background in international journalism, run creative writing workshops, and volunteer in the Argyll Archives at Inveraray Castle.