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Michael Meighan
I am very proud of my first couple of books about Glasgow: Glasgow Smells and Glasgow Smells Better! While these were humorous in approach, I also wanted to produce a more serious one about my passion, the industries around which I was brought up and which no longer exist to the extent that they once did. I am very proud of Scotland's Lost Industries that covers the rise and fall of industries in Scotland.
Glasgow Central Station is where I spent a lot of my childhood as a train spotter and it was a privilege to write Glasgow Central Station Through Time. This was followed up by Edinburgh Waverley Station Through Time and The Forth Bridges Through Time. Glasgow - A History has been well received and more recent books are Glasgow in 50 Buildings and A-Z of Glasgow: Places-People-History. I am now working on Scotland Remembered. This is a journey through Scotland's history as represented by the memorials and monuments throughout the country.
I am available for talks on Scottish industrial history or about Scottish industry, or indeed about writing. Past talks have included Aye Write!, the Portobello Book Festival and HMP Shotts.