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Morna Young
Morna Young is a playwright, actress and musician from Moray. She was recipient of the 2017 Dr Gavin Wallace Fellowship (hosted by Creative Learning, Aberdeen City Council), the New Playwrights Award 2014 (Playwrights' Studio, Scotland), the Tomorrow at Noon award for female playwrights 2018 (Jermyn Street Theatre), and she was the 2018 playwright in residence for BATS Theatre / Toi Põneke Arts Centre, New Zealand.
Lost at Sea, her debut play, premiered at Perth Theatre in April 2019 before touring Scotland. Other plays include: Aye, Elvis (A Play, A Pie and A Pint and Gilded Balloon, Edinburgh Fringe), The Buke of the Howlat (Findhorn Bay Arts), Smite (Jermyn Street Theatre), Netting (A Play, A Pie and A Pint and Scotland-wide tour with Woodend Barn), She of the Sea (Paines Plough Come to Where I'm From), B-Roads (Play Pieces), Never Land (Eden Court), and two short plays for the National Theatre of Scotland's Great Yes, No, Don't Know Show.
Morna has performed extracts of her writing at the Scottish Parliament, The European Author's Festival (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland), National Poetry Month (France) and Edinburgh International Book Festival.
(Photo credit:Â Scott Cadenhead)
(Works in Scots)