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Renita Boyle
Renita Boyle is a "virtuoso of versatility", a tale-telling, tongue-twisting troubadour, poetry pixie, kid lit author and nature-loving life writer. She is storytelling ambassador for Wigtown Festival Company, patron of reading for Saint James Primary in Renfrew and has been Scottish Book Trust reader in residence for DG Libraries.
Her stories are rowdy and reflective, traditional and tall, healing and nurturing. She mentors young TaleTwisters, supports those with additional needs and appeals across generations. Her published works include Strange Visitor, Honk! Honk! Rattle! Rattle!, Time for Bed Bible and Tell it Together (Best Resource - Eden Awards nominee).
Renita supports the Scottish Book Trust's annual life writing project and has facilitated workshops on their behalf. You can read The Little Red Library, among others, on the SBT website. She also helps people write legacy letters for future generations. She has been DG Life Performing Artist of the Year finalist, storyteller in residence with ShetlandArts and winner of Wigtown Poetry Competition Scots category.
Invite her to your festival, library, school, church, club, community gathering, care home, conference, writing group, retreat day, garden, woodland, seaside or fireside. She may even teach you to play the bagpipe with your nose! (Photo credit:Â Kim Ayres)