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Simon Varwell

All of the information on this page has been provided by the author. If you need an author to have specialist skills, experience or knowledge please ask for more information about this ahead of booking them for an event. Please note that Scottish Book Trust cannot carry out Disclosure checks on Live Literature authors for most events. It is the responsibility of the person organising the event to carry out the appropriate Disclosure checks.
Contact: [email protected]
Local authority: Highland
Languages: English
Simon Varwell's headshot

I am the author of three travelogues. With a day job in education training and consultancy, I am an experienced facilitator and public speaker, having delivered talks about my writing and adventures to general audiences of handfuls, dozens and hundreds, and having facilitated workshops in schools and prison environments. A former chair of the Highland Literary Salon, I am attuned to the dynamic of the writing process and community, and have undertaken interviews, chaired panels and facilitated discussions in a variety of literary and other contexts.

My experience of travel writing is both as a traditionally published and self-published author, with subjects based on both world travel and adventures closer to home. I am especially interested in rail travel, the Highlands, the international language Esperanto, and the richness of exploration among the overlooked mundanity of everyday life. I can present about my travels and my books, entertain about my adventures, and explain my path to publishing. I also regularly publish blog posts on a variety of topics and take photographs of my travels.

Local authorities will visit

Aberdeen City; Aberdeenshire; Angus; Argyll and Bute; Clackmannanshire; Dumfries and Galloway; Dundee; East Ayrshire; East Dunbartonshire; East Lothian; East Renfrewshire; Edinburgh City; Falkirk; Fife; Glasgow City; Highland; Inverclyde; Midlothian; Moray; Na h-Eileanan Siar (Western Isles); North Ayrshire; North Lanarkshire; Orkney Islands; Perth and Kinross; Renfrewshire; Scottish Borders; Shetland; South Ayrshire; South Lanarkshire; Stirling; West Dunbartonshire; West Lothian

Events will deliver

Bilingual event; Mentoring; Panel event; Performance; Reading; Talk; Workshop; Chairing events

Audience will work with

Adult learners; Prisoners & young offenders

Topics of work

Adventure; Biography & memoir; Comedy, humour & funny books; Editing & editing your own work; Island communities; Loneliness & isolation; Nature; Politics; Publishing & getting published; Religion & beliefs; Rural communities; Self-publishing & independent publishing; Travel writing; Urban communities

Age groups published for


Age groups will work with

15-18; 18+

Audience size

0-10; 11-30; 31-100; 100-500; 500+