We love dogs! If your little ones love them too, we have a brilliant list of books for babies and children featuring some our favourite furry friends.

Jon Agee It's Only Stanley
It's late at night, and the Wimbledons are fast asleep, when all of a sudden they hear a spooky sound coming from outside. . . it's Stanley! Stanley gets up to all sorts at night time when the Wimbledons are trying to sleep, from fixing their old TV to making catfish stew. This rhyming picture book is a classic, bound to have wee ones and grown-ups alike in stitches as they discover what Stanley gets up to on each page.

Shirley Hughes Dogger
Dogger may be a fluffy toy dog rather than a real one, but that doesn't make him any less special to Dave. Dave is devastated to lose Dogger one day, testament to the special bond that little ones form with their cuddly toys. Shirley Hughes' classic picture book is as wonderful to share now as it was when it was first published.

Ingela P Arrhenius Where's Mr Dog?
Where are all the animals hiding? Lift the felt flaps to find out in this cute board book! Little ones will love to get involved in searching for their favourite animal friends, and they'll delight in the mirror surprise at the end. With soft felt flaps that are ideal for little hands to grasp at, this is perfect for sharing with even the tiniest babies.

Emily Gravett Dogs
Dogs come in all shapes and sizes, but they're all equally worthy of love. If your little ones love dogs too, they'll have lots of fun discovering all the different canine characters that make an appearance in this picture book. Each comes with their own personality, shown through expressive illustrations, and children will love the wee surprise at the end.

Richard Byrne This book just ate my dog!
Bella is taking her wee dog for a walk and then all of a sudden – he disappears! She tries to get help, but help disappears too, and then so does she! Instead, Bella has to turn to the reader. This is a brilliantly interactive picture book that little ones will have fun tipping upside down and giving a good shake. Have a go and see if you can rescue Bella and her pooch!

Philip Bunting Dogs say bau.
Some little ones might be familiar with dogs that say 'woof!', but other little ones around the world know the noises dogs make differently. This cute board book teaches children about lots of different languages spoken by animals around the world. Featuring humorous illustrations of each animal, children will love to learn new words by sharing this book together.

Barbara Nascimbeni Home Alone
What do dogs get up to when their owners aren't at home? Frido gets up to all sorts, from chatting online with his friends to rummaging around in the fridge. This picture book is adorable and hilarious in equal measure, and will have little ones' imaginations running wild thinking about all the things other dogs might be up to when they’re out and about!

Rob Jones Where's Brian's Bottom?
This is a hilarious, double-sided, concertina board book, about a very, very, very long sausage dog. He's so long in fact, that he's lost his bottom! This fantastic interactive book is lots of fun for young and curious readers.

Chloe Inkpen Mick Inkpen I Will Love You Anyway
This heart-warming picture book is about a mischievous little pug who doesn't always get it right. When he's not stealing clothes, he's running away or chasing things that he shouldn't be. But no matter what, he’ll love his wee human anyway. Illustrated with big, expressive eyes, the dog is a funny little character. Featuring lovely rhyming text, children are bound to love reading it again and again.

Eric Hill Where's Spot?
Spot is hiding somewhere in this lift-the-flap classic. . . And it's yours and your wee ones' job to find him! Could he be inside the clock? Or under the bed? Lift up the flaps to find out. Picture books like this are classics for a reason, and children will fall in love with the iconic Spot as much as previous generations did.