Enjoy this selection of engrossing non-fiction and informative titles to empower young people to change our world.
You can also download a free PDF copy(this link will open in a new window) of John Muir Earth - Planet Universe, the final book on this list.

Adelina Lirius Anna Taylor Loll Kirby Old Enough to Save the Planet
Beautifully illustrated, this book contains stories of children who are making a difference around the world. Each page explores the story of a different young person and how they are striving to enact change in their community or champion a cause they are passionate about. This is the perfect read for any young person looking for ideas and inspiration to make a change.

Ben Hoare Jade Orlando Activists Assemble: Save Your Planet
This great non-fiction title explores current environmental issues in an accessible and engaging way. It investigates why environmental issues occur and gives top tips for those looking to be more environmentally conscious. The book contains space for young people to record their thoughts and feelings. There is also an environmental quiz to test their memory and learning. This is a great book for any budding environmental campaigners and activists.

Martin Dorey Tim Wesson Kids Fight Climate Change
Written by Martin Dorey, an anti-plastic campaigner, Kids Fight Climate Change is an informative and practical guide to what children can do to fight climate change. The book shares a positive message throughout, showing how 'climate superheroes' can enact change by completing 2 minute daily missions. Full of facts and ideas, this is the perfect guide for becoming an eco superhero.

Freya Hartas Rachel Williams Slow Down: Bring Calm to a Busy World with 50 Nature Stories
Fighting climate change can be overwhelming, and many young people experience climate anxiety. Slow Down is the perfect book to share with these young people. With enchanting illustrations by Freya Hartas, this book shares the wonder of nature in 50 stories. From a tadpole becoming a frog, weaver ants building a nest, to a woodpecker at work, all the stories are well-explained and perfectly complemented by the pictures. A lovely book to remind us to slow down, take a breath, and enjoy nature.

Alexander Mostov Jess French Let’s Save Our Planet: Forests
For those interested in tackling the global impact of deforestation, this is the ideal read. This book introduces incredible solutions to deforestation that are being worked on around the world right now –from scientists and conservationists helping to protect forest creatures to tech inventions like robot tree-planters. This book will teach readers young and old how to protect and conserve our forests.

Jess French What A Waste: Rubbish, Recycling, and Protecting our Planet
This colourful and inviting book shows young people how our actions affect the planet, and what changes (big and small) we can make to protect it. Presenting information in small, easy to understand chunks, this is an accessible book that will empower young people to make a tangible positive impact on our planet.

Allira Tee Isabella Tree When We Went Wild
Based on the author's own experience of rewilding, this book explores the benefits of leaving nature to take the lead and letting a farm go wild. Characters Nancy and Jake take a big step when they stop using machinery and chemicals and wait to see what happens on their farm. This book is about bringing conservation and nature back to the British countryside.

Barry Falls Dara McAnulty Wild Child: A Journey Through Nature
A mix of poetry, facts, activities and beautiful illustrations, this book explores why nature holds such fascination for the author and shares that love with the reader. It includes information on migration, metamorphosis and categorisation in the animal kingdom, as well as facts about native birds, animals and plants. This stunning book is perfect for any young person looking to learn more about our planet and the natural world.

Rob Sears Tom Sears The Biggest Footprint
This book discusses humans’ footprint on the planet and is one of the best books for visually showing our impact. By creating a mega-human, we can see our physical impact as one mass. With brilliant comparisons between other species and human impact over time, this is an enlightening and fun read. It is not all doom and gloom, as the book ends by exploring the huge positive impact humans can have when we work together too.

Kimberlie Hamilton Rebel Animals At Risk: Stories of Survival
Exploring the world’s most at risk animals, this book is perfect for any animal or nature lover. This beautifully illustrated book tells the story of 60 real-life courageous creatures that are at risk due to climate change and those species in need of conservation. This is a fascinating read, jam-packed full of facts and interesting stories. Ideal for any keen animal lover looking to help the planet!

Georgina Stevens Katie Rewse Climate Action
Every page of this gorgeous book has been put to good use to explain climate change. The book explains the causes of climate change, greenhouse gases, energy, agriculture, deforestation, and then shows the reader the effects including rising sea levels, flooding, tropical storms, droughts etc. But importantly, Climate Action gives practical examples of how to reduce our carbon footprint by considering our consumption of food, our clothes, homes, belongings and the way we travel. With brief biographies of young people who have taken steps to affect change, this is an inspiring and useful book that will empower young people to act on climate change.

Julie Bertagna William Goldsmith John Muir Earth - Planet Universe
This graphic novel tells the story of Dunbar-born John Muir, who loved animals and the outdoor environment from a very young age. He moved from Scotland to America with his family and as he grew up his passion for nature became his life's mission. Many schools participate in the John Muir Award which is part of John Muir's legacy, encouraging people of all ages to 'connect with, enjoy and care for wild places.' The graphic novel helps us to understand the importance of making this connection and preserving nature for everyone for now and for the future.