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Fantastic non-fiction for 6-8 year olds
Genre: Adventure, Animals, Nature, Non-fiction, Technology
Age group: 6-8
Audience: Children, Families, Professionals

These fantastic non-fiction books will help to inspire reading across genres in the classroom and at home. For older readers, take a look at our non-fiction book list for 9-11 year olds.

Emma Dods Jacqueline McCann Marc Aspinall Wow! Animals
Animal lovers will be spoilt for choice in this great non-fiction picture book packed with animal facts. Children will love to share what they learn with family members. You can also use the book in class as a jumping-off point for research into individual animals.

Lisbeth Kaiser Rosa Parks
This picture book biography is part of the Little People, Big Dreams series, inspiring young people through true stories. We follow Rosa from her childhood to her time as an activist as part of the Civil Rights Movement, helping prompt conversations about standing up for what you believe in.

Jill Calder Simon Holland The Picture Atlas
Atlases are perfect for sharing with children of all ages. Jill Calder’s illustration style makes this one particularly accessible and interesting for young readers. Maps of every continent are included, plus extra pages of interesting facts, like meals from around the world, giving curious minds plenty to feast on.

Andrés Lozano Jane Wilsher Marvellous Machines
In this clever, interactive book, children can peek inside machines to find out more about how they work. Using the included magic lens, the inner workings of aeroplanes, submarines, fridges, toasters and more are revealed and explained in an accessible way.

Zoe Ingram My First Book of Birds
This eye-catching non-fiction book is a lovely introduction to the topic for young readers, with information, a fact file and an illustration for each bird included. Children will love to take the book outside with them to see which birds they can spot in their local area.

Charlotte Guillain Yuval Zommer The Skies Above My Eyes
In this beautiful concertina book, children can explore the skies and everything in them, from clouds and birds, to aeroplanes, satellites and the International Space Station! It’s a great choice for supporting children’s natural curiosity and imagination as they explore the world around them.

David Atherton Rachel Stubbs My First Cook Book
Cook books are a fantastic choice for young children finding their way with non-fiction. This one has a variety of delicious recipes to try with clear instructions and colourful illustrations that will encourage everyone to have a go, at school or home.

Fiona Robinson The Bluest of Blues: Anna Atkins and the First Book of Photographs
This is a great non-fiction picture book to share aloud. It follows Anna from her childhood interest in plants and insects to her experiments with cyanotypes and the publication of the first book of photographs.

Natalie Labarre Incredible Jobs You've (Probably) Never Heard Of
Children will be inspired and surprised by the variety of unusual jobs covered in this book! It’s a great choice to help start conversations about all of the different paths they can take in the future, and even the jobs that don’t exist yet.

Goldie Hawk Rachael Saunders Go Wild on the River: An Adventure Handbook
This non-fiction book brings nature to life, with information on wildlife and great activities to try, like skimming stones and raft building. It’s the perfect companion book for outdoor learning.