Bookbug Book of the Month: Annabelle and Flower

Competition type: Early Years

Start date: 03 March 2025, 09:00

Closing date: 31 March 2025, 23:59

Audience: Children, Families, 3-5

We have five copies of Annabelle and Flower by Em Lynas and Anuska Allepuz to give away. Just answer the question below for your chance to win. Entries close at 11.59pm on Monday 31 March and winners will be chosen at random.

By providing your email below, you are giving us permission to contact you to let you know the outcome of this competition. To receive regular updates about the Bookbug programme, please sign up to one of our exciting newsletters. Only one entry per household.

Full terms and conditions apply.

'Annabelle and Flower by Em Lynas and Anuska Allepuz tells the story of a beautiful friendship that withstands the test of time. Annabelle the cow mostly spends her days munching through grass fields alone, until one day she finds a tiny flower that immediately brightens up her life. Heart-warming text from Lynas and delightful illustrations from Allepuz make this the perfect book to enjoy together as we await the arrival of springtime.’

Laura Hunter (Early Years Operations Administrator)

All required fields are marked with an asterisk (*)

What animal is Annabelle?

Your answer *
I confirm I am over 16
If you are under 16, you can still enter the competition but will be asked to provide an additional contact email for a parent or guardian.