Billy Kay - Born In Kyle Book Launch

Friday 17 November | 19-20:30

Galston Panel event / author reading, Spoken word / performance poetry / slam Adults

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Join Writer and Broadcaster Billy Kay for the launch of a book which he describes as a love letter to his Ayrshire childhood in the 1950s and 1960s.

If you are unable to attend the launch, you can come along and chat to Billy at the Library in Henrietta Street between 11am and 12.30 pm on Saturday, November 18th.

Copies of the book will be available there too.

Jyne Gawston boay Billy Kay for the launch o his book whaur he describes the wey o life in the Irvine Valley when he wis a wean growin up there in the 1950s an 1960s.

Gin ye cannae gae tae the Launch, ye can come alang an hae a blether wi Billy at the Gawston Library in Henrietta Street the follaein morning atween an 12.30 pm.

He’ll hae copies o the book wi him there as weel.

For mair aboot the quair an Billy, veisit

Venue information

Galston Community Centre

34 Orchard Street


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