Collective Adventuring: Folklore for Resistance

Saturday 18 November | 19-20:15

Digital event, Workshop Adults

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How can we tell adventure stories that weave webs of collective bravery and disrupt rugged individualism? In this interactive talk we will invoke tricksters like the Rebecca Riots and Esme Boggart, rebel printers, the Jane Collective, leaderless land resistance movements, and hedge schools, to look at how folklore in its truest sense as the knowledge and stories of the people, reveals our tools for liberation.

We will listen to the collaboration of animals and plants, and the hidden messages and memories in folktales. And we will tease apart how we can celebrate individual acts of bravery as part of a rich biodiverse ecosystem of rebellion, instead of unobtainable acts of individualism.

Julie and Becka will share how they hope their approach to collective zine making connects to these long threads of resistance and liberation!

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