Riddles 'Round Reay

Saturday 18 November | 12-17:00

Thurso Story / poetry trail Adults, Children, Teens

Free (unticketed)

If you have any questions or for more information regarding software or accessibility, please contact the organiser directly.

Visit organiser website(this link will open in a new window) https://www.instagram.com/crowvuslit/ [email protected]

A chance to explore Caithness on an adventurous car treasure hunt. Answer the custom-written riddles as you set off from Reay Hall in search of treasure – and some fabulous prizes if you win. When you return, explore a variety of stalls from local creatives – just in time for Christmas shopping! Entry to the market is free but participation in the treasure hunt is £5 for a car (payable on the day) and all profits will go to the local RNLI.

Venue information

Reay Hall


KW14 7RE

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