The Strawplaiters of Orkney Book Launch

Tuesday 14 November | 19-21:00

Stromness Panel event / author reading Adults, Children, Teens

Free (unticketed)

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The straw plait industry employed thousands of women in Orkney during the first half of the 19th century. In her book The Strawplaiters of Orkney, Fiona Grahame describes the industry, what it meant for the women and girls it employed, and the merchants who made considerable profits for the export of plait and bonnets south.

The book contains details for each parish of Orkney and recounts what happened to the workers when the industry suddenly collapsed.

Fiona Grahame will read excerpts from the book and explain how it can be used for future research. Copies of the books will be available to purchase.

Venue information

Northlight Gallery

Graham Place
Lyking Road

KW16 3HY

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