Words in the Wild

Wednesday 15 November | 18:30-20:00

Workshop Adults

If you have any questions or for more information regarding software or accessibility, please contact the organiser directly.

Visit organiser website(this link will open in a new window) [email protected]

The Survivor Arts Community presents an online creative writing workshop run by poet, nature writer, and artist Heather H. Yeung. Words in the Wild will be a creative workshop on writing adventure – from the smallest possible observation to the largest sweeping vista. We'll look at 'wild words' and consider ways of using language and form to hone how we write imaginatively about what we see when we go into the wild.

No previous writing experience is required – only interest!

This workshop is open to self-identifying female survivors of sexual violence and domestic abuse aged 18+. This includes cis women, trans women and non-binary people who are comfortable in a space that centres the experiences of women. An experienced support worker will be present and a live transcript will be available through Otter.ai.

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