Càirdeas 's Comain 's Eòlas

Partick Panel event / author reading Adults

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Thigibh cuide ri Deborah Moffatt is i ann an còmhradh le Meg Bateman mun leabhar bhàrdachd ùr aice, "Càirdeas ’s Comain ’s Eòlas" air Seachdain Leabhraichean na h-Alba. Tha Deborah Moffatt à Vermont, anns na Stàitean, ach tha i air a bhith a’ fuireach ann an Alba bho 1982. Dh’fhoillsich i ceithir leabhraichean bhàrdachd: dà sa Bheurla, agus dà sa Ghàidhlig. B’ e an ceathramh cruinneachadh aice "Càirdeas ’s Comain ’s Eòlas", foillsichte le CLÀR am-bliadhna. Tha "Càirdeas ’s Comain ’s Eòlas" làn chàirdeas de gach seòrsa: càirdeas, cleamhnas, ’s buinteanas. Còmhla ri càirdeas, gheibhear gaol ’s spèis, urram ’s mulad. Ach cuideachd tha an dearbh chaochladh ri fhaotainn anns na dàin: nàimhdeas, ascaoin, agus borbachd. Tha corra thachartasan eachdraidheil air an innse anns an leabhar, còmhla ri cunntasan làithreach. Chithear Lady Grange ann an Hiort, agus sgàile na comhachaig ann an Cille Choirill. Bidh fògarraich ’s imrichean ’s taistealaich a’ nochdadh cuideachd, ’s càirdeas ’s comain ’s eòlas am pailteas. Bidh Meg Bateman, Bhàrd a’ Chomuinn Ghàidhealaich, sa chathair airson an tachartais seo.


Join Deborah Moffatt in conversation with Meg Bateman as they discuss Deborah’s latest poetry book, "Càirdeas ’s Comain ’s Eòlas" as part of Book Week Scotland. Deborah Moffatt is from Vermont (USA) and has lived in Scotland since 1982. She has published two English poetry collections, and two Gaelic poetry collections. Her fourth collection, "Càirdeas ’s Comain ’s Eòlas", was published this year by CLÀR. "Càirdeas ’s Comain ’s Eòlas" embraces relationships of every kind: friendship, love and respect, grief and honour. There is also hostility, harshness, and brutality. Many historic events make an appearance in the collection, together with daily encounters: from Lady Grange in St Kilda and the shadow of the owl in Cille Choirill. There are migrants and emigrants and pilgrims in these pages, with friendship, fellowship and obligations threading the poems together. Meg Bateman, the crowned bard of An Comunn Gàidhealach, will be chairing this event.

This event is supported by Book Week Scotland 2024 event funding.

Venue information

Gaelic Books Council

22 Mansfield St

G11 5QP

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