Scots – Yi're allowed tae speak it and write it – C’mon, let's gie it a go!

Motherwell Panel event / author reading Children

Free (ticketed)

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Local author, Julie Kennedy, will celebrate Scots wi an audience ae pupils fae Our Lady's High school, in Motherwell. She'll share whit she learned fae writin her novel Ma Mum & William Wordsworth, a novel in Scots, an then everybudy will git a chance tae dae their ain writin in Scots. The workshop theme will be hope an whit gies us aw hope – an how we cin be confident speakers, readers an writers an be proud ae oor ain way ae speakin – whitever that may be.

This event is supported by Book Week Scotland 2024 event funding.

Venue information

Our Lady's High School

Dalzell Drive


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