Storytelling Workshop for Adults with Eileen Budd

Saturday 23 November | 10:30-11:30

Dundee Storytelling, Workshop Adults

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Scottish Storyteller Eileen Budd will be bringing a range of natural, handmade objects as well as pungent native Scottish plants from her Travelling Folk Museum for a very special multi sensory storytelling workshop exploring our unwritten stories, how we hold them and techniques for how we can tell them. If you would like to learn more about the traditional Scottish art of storytelling, or have a story you’d like to find a way to tell, come join us.

Eileen is a Scottish author, artist and storyteller with TRACS (Traditional Arts and Culture Scotland) and Scottish Book Trust. Raised in Perthshire in a family with a strong tradition of maintaining oral storytelling practises, I specialise in traditional Scottish folklore, folk traditions, folk objects, origin stories and ancient Scottish legends. Before devoting my life to sharing stories I spent over 20 years working with national museums, including National Museums Scotland and V&A London. Please note: this event is for an adult audience.

This event is supported by Book Week Scotland 2024 event funding.

Venue information

Arthurstone Community Library

5 Arthurstone Terrace


Level access at the side of the building. Customer lift within the building.

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