Ten Minute Tales

Monday 18 November | 19-21:00

Kinross Spoken word / performance poetry / slam, Storytelling Adults, Children, Teens

Free (unticketed)

If you have any questions or for more information regarding software or accessibility, please contact the organiser directly.

Visit organiser website(this link will open in a new window) 07979 064345 [email protected]

Monday 18 November | 7pm | Loch Leven Community Library | FREE

Up to nine local people will each share a ten minute story about a particular aspect of the theme of HOPE. The story should be about a personal memory or experience, and could explore hope fulfilled or unfulfilled.

The writers will be from all ages and backgrounds, it promises therefore to be a very varied and fun event!

If interested in taking part please send an email to [email protected](this link will open in a new window) to confirm so we know how many people are taking part. We will then send you some more specific guidelines for writing your piece and you have until 18 November to complete it.

If you just like to listen to the stories on 18 November, please just come along to the library. The event is free.

This event is supported by Book Week Scotland 2024 event funding.

Venue information

Loch Leven Community Campus


KY13 8FQ

Disabled parking near entrance. Disabled toilets. Event is on ground floor

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