After many successful years promoting a love of reading, the First Minister's Reading Challenge has now come to an end. The legacy of Reading Challenge will continue as schools are encouraged to take the next step by becoming Reading Schools. Reading Schools has evolved from the First Minister’s Reading Challenge and will encompass key elements such as resources, author events and support. Collaboration is central to achieving accreditation, and community groups and libraries will play an important part of each Reading School's journey.
Reading Schools is a whole-school approach to building and maintaining a sustainable culture across the school curriculum that is proven to boost attainment, with over 1000 Scottish schools currently taking part in the programme
To demonstrate the First Minister's continued support and the Scottish Government’s ongoing commitment to reading, writing and numeracy, there will be a new association with the established Read Write Count programme, which will become Read Write Count with the First Minister, with further information to follow.
A huge thank you to the schools and libraries who have participated in the First Minister’s Reading Challenge over the years. We encourage you to build on all your hard work by registering to become a Reading School. Sign up to Reading Schools and work towards whole-school recognition and accreditation, as well as being part of our national Reading Schools community.
Find out how to get involved on our Reading Schools(this link will open in a new window) website.
A Scottish Government spokesperson said:
“The hugely successful First Minister's Reading Challenge has evolved into Reading Schools, a structured reading for pleasure programme linked to the curriculum that will benefit even more learners, whole schools and the wider community to build and sustain a strong reading culture.
“Where individual young people and teachers used to opt-in for FMRC, Reading Schools involves and benefits the whole school community.
“So far, 362 schools have gained Reading School accreditation – the aim is that every school in Scotland will be a 'Reading School' in three to five years.”
To demonstrate the First Minister and the Scottish Government's continued commitment to reading, writing and numeracy, and there will be a new association with the established Read Write Count programme, which will become Read Write Count with the First Minister, with further information to follow.