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School events and opportunities

We offer lots of fully-funded events and resources that help learning professionals and schools throughout Scotland engage with our programmes.

To keep up to date with our news, opportunities and resources for learning professionals, sign up to our schools newsletter or contact us at [email protected](this link will open in a new window).

You can also find information on all of our learning programmes and how they can support you and your learners in our schools guide.

Ongoing opportunities and support

Reading Schools

Live Literature

Stock up on Read Write Count resources

Awards, support and funding

Reading Schools Fund

Reading Champion Awards

January–March 2025

10 January: Applications close for the Scottish Friendly Children's Book Tour with Sam Sedgman

23 January: Applications close for the Inclusive Stories Tour with Lucy Rogers

5 February: Reading Schools Start and Spark – Rural Spark

26 February: Reading Schools Shared Practice – Inspiring and Sustaining Reading for Pleasure, Secondaries

27 February: Connecting Maths with Stories

5 March: Reading Schools Start and Spark – Family Spark

12 March: School Improvement Planning with Reading Schools

14 March: Applications close for the Developing and Sustaining Reading for Pleasure (Primary) course