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About Walk The Walk
Walk The Walk is an interactive graphic novel and a collection of learning resources for use in facilitated youth and literacy support groups

Walk The Walk was developed by Scottish Book Trust in partnership with the Scottish Government to explore issues around sectarianism and how to tackle it. The resources focus on facilitated group discussion and activities that learners can complete alone or in small groups.
The story follows one day in the lives of two best friends: Rab McGowan and Robbie Black. It’s the day that Rab’s cousin Kylie is supposed to marry Robbie’s brother Romeo, but there are people at both ends of The Walk who don’t want the wedding to happen.
As the two families face up to their shared past, can Rab and Robbie convince their grans to put their differences aside for just one day?
Using these resources
Walk The Walk is designed to be used in a facilitated group setting
There are ‘jump-off points’ throughout the story, indicating opportunities for discussion about a particular aspect of the book’s story, or its wider themes. For each jump-off point there is a corresponding learning resource with the same name, where you will find downloadable activity sheets, sample discussion questions and ideas for further work.