Looking for more in Learning or Walk-the-Walk?
Download the Walk the Walk graphic novel
Download a PDF version of Walk The Walk

This PDF version of Walk The Walk allows you to print the graphic novel or read on screen. You can adjust the settings on your computer to listen to the story being read out loud, or increase the size of the text to help you read it.
Alternatively, you can access hard copies of the book at your local library or through adult learning service providers in each local authority and at colleges throughout Scotland.
Accessibility: using the voice feature in the PDF
Open the PDF in Adobe Reader(this link will open in a new window). Go to the menu bar and click on View > Read Out Loud > Activate Read Out Loud. The audio voice you will hear is dependent on the computer or device that you are using to read the book. To read the text with, for example, a Scottish voice, you need voices on your computer. Schools, pupils and anyone else in the Scottish public sector can download the voices free of charge, for Mac and PC, from The Scottish Voice(this link will open in a new window).
If you are using Adobe XI Read Out Loud you can change the voice by going to Edit > Preferences > Reading.
For the iPad, CALL Scotland(this link will open in a new window) suggests buying ClaroPDF(this link will open in a new window) because it has good text-to-speech tools (including Scottish voices, which come at an extra cost). For Android, CALL Scotland suggests buying the ezPDF Reader(this link will open in a new window) with the CereProc(this link will open in a new window) Scottish voices.
CALL Scotland provides support to people who require assistive technology.