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Walk The Walk: useful websites
These external websites may provide activity ideas or help facilitate discussion.

Some of our activities include links to external sites outside Scottish Book Trust. While we choose the sites we link to very carefully, we can’t always control the content that appears on them.
Useful websites
Action on Sectarianism Portal(this link will open in a new window)
Nil by Mouth(this link will open in a new window): Scottish charity trying to achieve a society free from sectarianism.
Scottish Women’s Aid Domestic Violence Information & Support(this link will open in a new window)
Scottish Government’s Tackling Sectarianism funded partners(this link will open in a new window)
Sense Over Sectarianism(this link will open in a new window): challenging the existing attitudes, behaviour and assumptions that contribute to bigotry, sectarianism and division within society.
Show Racism The Red Card / Show Bigotry The Red Card(this link will open in a new window): campaign using top footballers to educate against racism.
‘The Football War’ (25 minute documentary film)(this link will open in a new window): this documentary focuses on tensions between Glasgow Rangers and Celtic fans, with local politicians, historians and supporters all giving their perspectives on the Old Firm. However, the film also gives some insight into the roots of sectarianism, touching on William of Orange, the Irish famine, separate schooling, and the effect of Irish immigration on the Scottish labour market.