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Bookbug Session Plan: I Did See A Mammoth

A fun Bookbug session to celebrate I Did See a Mammoth by Alex Willmore, one of the brilliant books in our Bookbug Explorer Bag for 2024!
This hilariously funny book is a delightful journey through the imagination of a young explorer in the Arctic. The songs and rhymes in this session are based around animals and movement, which will hopefully encourage little ones to explore the space they are in.
Introduction song
Familiar start – lets everyone know a Bookbug session has started.
Smile and use names. Clap or tap along to the beat and use signs if you know them.
Action rhyme
This is a great rhyme to promote face-to-face, eye contact, steady beat, facial expressions and emotions.
Face your child. Say the rhyme and with each word, or on the beat, clap your hands together and then with your child. You can partner up children so they can help together. Older children can stand up and hold hands in partners. Walk around in a circle then at the end you could have a cuddle or choose a new partner, and start over again.
Action songs
This song introduces finger play, dexterity and counting.
Help your child learn which hand is their right by showing or pointing it out to them. Encourage them to wiggle their ‘pinkie’ at the end of the song. You could bounce some puppets, or some cardboard fish covered in foil, on some lycra, a towel or a blanket.
The Big Ship Sailed on the Ally Ally Oh
An upbeat energetic song which you can clap, stamp or march along to.
Toddlers will enjoy making wave motions to sail their ship. Rowing can be acted out alone or with a partner. You can sit facing each other, join hands and sway back and forth. On their own, children could mimic rowing and pretend to paddle their boat. Expand the song by using props such as telescopes (cardboard tubes).
Transition song
I wonder what's in my bag today?
Builds anticipation and captures the attention of the children.
Use Bookbug to help engage the children in singing the ‘I wonder what’s in my bag today?’ song. Use Makaton to support different communication needs. Sing the song to the tune of ‘Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush’, i.e.:
‘I wonder what’s in my bag today, bag today, bag today I wonder what’s in my bag today, come and take a look… At Bookbug’s favourite book.’
I Did See a Mammoth by Alex Willmore
The hilariously funny I Did See a Mammoth encourages curiosity and imagination, inspiring children to explore the world around them and to believe in the extraordinary. The book not only entertains but also educates, introducing children to different species in a fun and engaging way.
This book sparks curiosity about the natural world and encourages children to ask questions and seek answers. Children will delight in being able to see something that many of the characters within the action cannot. The endpaper has some fun facts about mammoths. Maybe you could explore the library and find some non-fiction books about Arctic animals?
Action songs
This face-to-face song is great for encouraging lots of sounds and facial expressions.
You can vary the pace of rowing from slow to fast. Make the sounds of the waves as you row back and forth. You could sit in a circle, and everyone hold hands and row together. In groups of three, two people can make a boat and one person can go in the middle to be the passenger.
An active song to encourage lap bouncing, sounds and movement. This song also encourages interaction with others – the chance to meet others and say hello or have a wee chat.
Pretend to be explorers and join in with the chorus line, ‘Bobbing up and down like this’. Try going faster and slower. You could invent different ways to bob up and down – the sillier, the better! You could make a homemade shaker to add your own sounds of the sea. Put some rice, beans or lentils in a plastic container and shake along. Just make sure it’s sealed tightly.
Familiar song
A soothing song to share at quieter times or nap times. It can also be made more active to support children with movement e.g. swaying or moving from side to side.
The toddler could use a towel, pillowcase or scarf to gently swing, or they could cradle a doll or teddy. Make the sound of the waves as you rock back and forth. Is the sea calm, choppy or stormy?
Final song
Tells everyone the session is coming to an end.
Wave, smile and use names if you know them. If you know Makaton, you can support this song with signs.
Please read our guide on permission to read books aloud in online sessions.