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Bookbug Session Plans: All You Need Is Love!
It’s February and love is in the air. This Bookbug Session plan encourages lots of face-to-face interactions and positive touch, which help to build positive relationships.
Introduction song
Familiar start – lets everyone know a Bookbug session has started.
Smile and use names if you know them. Clap or tap along to the beat.
Action rhyme
This is a fun rhyme full of positive touch, anticipation and tickles.
When sharing this rhyme with your little one, move your finger gently around the palm of their hand, before moving up and tickling their underarm as the mouse goes into their 'wee hoose'. For older children, you can take turns and do the actions on each other.
Tactile rhyme
This is a fun rhyme to share with your little one, full of different opportunities for positive touch, tickling and bonding.
Follow the words of the song, blowing their neck for a cool breeze, a gentle cuddle for tight squeeze. To add some excitement and build up anticipation, try pausing before it's time to share the tickle.
Action song
This song is great for bouncing your little one on your knee. The variation in speed offers fun and excitement and the slow calm ending provides opportunities to share a gentle cuddle.
Sit your little one face-to-face on your knee, bouncing them up and down as the ponies gallop through the town. Toddlers and older children can gallop around the room. When the ponies are slowing down and becoming tired, you can bring babies up for a cuddle to end the song. Older children can come to their grown up for a cuddle or find a cosy spot on the floor to pretend to sleep.
Transition song
I Wonder What's in My Bag Today?
Builds anticipation and captures the attention of the children.
Use Bookbug to help engage the children in singing the “I wonder what's in my bag song”. Use Makaton to support different communication needs. Sing the song to the tune of 'Here We Go Round the Mulberry Bush':
'I wonder what's in my bag today, bag today, bag today, I wonder what's in my bag today, come and take a look. . . At Bookbug's favourite book.'
The Longer the Wait, The Bigger the Hug, Eion McLaughlin & Polly Dunbar
The Longer the Wait, the Bigger the Hug is filled with bright and cheerful illustrations and gentle humour to help tell the heart-warming tale about friendships, separation, patience, and love.
Use the illustrations in this book to encourage participation and interaction as you share this story.
Familiar song
Tiny Tim (I Have a Little Turtle)
Using songs and rhymes as part of a routine can be really helpful. This one could be introduced at bath time.
Encourage children to wait for the pop at the end and join in with a big clap!
Calming song
A great soothing song to offer reassurance and support bonding and relationships.
Gently sway your baby and look into their eyes as you sing this comforting song to them. For toddlers and older children, you can sing this song at times when they need some extra reassurance.
Final song
Tells everyone the session is coming to an end.
Wave, smile and use names if you know them. If you know Makaton you can support this song with signs.
Please read our guide on permission to read books aloud online(this link will open in a new window).