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Paired reading toolkit
This is a complete toolkit of resources and activity ideas to help you run a paired reading project in your school, library or education setting. It is split into two sections. The first for those looking for ideas for how to run a school project across year groups, this contains:
- A video from Dalmilling Primary School in South Ayrshire with their tips and advice for running a pair reading project.
- a teacher guide to running paired reading in your school
- advice and tips for using paired reading for parental engagement from two school projects in Glasgow
The latter section is for those looking to run a paired reading project with a targeted group and engage reluctant readers. Our 'mission pack' sheets will help create a buzz of excitement around paired reading. Other downloadable support includes:
- a quick drama activities to build pupil confidence in reading aloud and using their voice for expression
- a teacher guide to running a paired reading project with reluctant readers
- a pupil letter detailing the mission
- a reading report for pupils to record paired reading sessions
- a certificate to award to pupils once they have finished the project.