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Using tabletop roleplaying games in your school
Tabletop roleplaying games (TTRPGs) such as Dungeons and Dragons offer learning opportunities across the curriculum, as well as promoting reading and writing for pleasure. Below, you’ll find our downloadable guide on the benefits of using tabletop roleplaying games in classrooms and libraries. It contains:
- An introduction to TTRPGs and glossary of key terminology
- A list of our favourite games to play with children and young people that are easy to set up and don’t require a lot of time, expertise or equipment
- The educational benefits of TTRPGs, including how it fulfils key areas of Curriculum for Excellence
- Ideas for how to start using them with your pupils
For further resources to support gaming and literacy see:
- Our Gaming learning activities and book list of Brilliant books for gamers
- Our article on how gaming can be used as a gateway to literacy
- Our roleplaying games created for Book Week Scotland: The Bookshop: A Roleplaying Game and Write your own quest
- Our article on writing games from Gavin Inglis