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Walk The Walk: What's in a name?

The aim of this lesson is to introduce learners to the characters of Walk The Walk, capturing their first impressions of the graphic novel while also helping learners get to grips with any character names they may find challenging.
- Begin by looking together at Walk The Walk’s character introductions on pages 12 and 13.
- Now print out the 'What’s In A Name?' activity sheet so your learners can complete the activity. You can also show your learners this video so that they can hear how the character's names are pronounced.
- Once your learners have completed these activities, have a go at the follow-up discussion.
Reflecting on learning
After completing the activity, were learners able to:
- Identify characters they felt warmly towards, and explain why?
- Identify characters they didn’t like the look of, and explain why?
- Pronounce all the characters’ names?
Learners can:
- Identify the book’s characters from their pictures
- Confidently pronounce the characters’ names